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Complete Guide to Creating Emulators/AVD for Mobile App Testing

1. Introduction Mobile app testing is a crucial part of the software development life cycle, ensuring that applications perform as expected on various devices and operating systems. However, testing on physical devices can be expensive and time-consuming. That's where emulators come in. Emulators are software applications that simulate real mobile devices, allowing developers and testers to test their apps without the need for physical devices. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a complete understanding of mobile app testing using emulators. We will explore the concept of emulators, the AVD Manager (Android Virtual Device Manager), and how to set up and configure emulators for testing. Additionally, we will delve into writing Appium test scripts to automate testing tasks and cover various aspects of interacting with emulators. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid foundation for testing mobile apps using emulators, enabling you to efficiently validate your

Some Basic Python Optimisations

WARNING! For CPython, if you want performance you should prefer algorithmic optimizations (i.e. find better algorithms for what you're doing) or, if that's not possible, rewrite parts of your code in Cython. You should generally aim for readability, and avoid micro-optimizations - except in cases where it's the same, like comprehension expressions: they are both more readable  and  faster (special-cased, emit less instructions than loops because there's no possibility of  break ,  continue  or  return  -  compile.c , Ctrl+F, "List and set comprehensions"). You should always profile your application before optimizing, and you should profile with real (or realistic) data and in an as complete state as possible - concentrate on optimizing stuff that  actually  matters, not stuff you  think  matters. You have been warned. On to the fun part. >>> from dis import dis >>> def fn ( a ): b = a >>> dis ( fn ) 2