
Showing posts with the label Selenium Webdriver

Mastering Locators in Selenium WebDriver: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

Selenium is a popular open-source tool used for automating web browsers. It allows testers to write scripts in various programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, and Ruby to automate web applications. One of the critical aspects of Selenium automation is identifying web elements on a web page using locators. In this blog, we will discuss locators in Selenium and how to find them. Locators are nothing but a way to locate web elements on a web page. Selenium WebDriver provides a set of locators that can be used to identify web elements on a web page.  1. The various types of locators supported by Selenium WebDriver are: 1. ID Locator: This locator is the most common and efficient way to locate an element on a web page. Each web element on a page should have a unique ID. You can use the ID Locator to find an element using its ID. 2. Name Locator: The Name Locator is another way to locate an element using its name attribute. This is particularly useful when you want to locate m