
Complete Guide to Creating Emulators/AVD for Mobile App Testing

1. Introduction Mobile app testing is a crucial part of the software development life cycle, ensuring that applications perform as expected on various devices and operating systems. However, testing on physical devices can be expensive and time-consuming. That's where emulators come in. Emulators are software applications that simulate real mobile devices, allowing developers and testers to test their apps without the need for physical devices. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a complete understanding of mobile app testing using emulators. We will explore the concept of emulators, the AVD Manager (Android Virtual Device Manager), and how to set up and configure emulators for testing. Additionally, we will delve into writing Appium test scripts to automate testing tasks and cover various aspects of interacting with emulators. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid foundation for testing mobile apps using emulators, enabling you to efficiently validate your

TECHLISTIC is rated "Top 10 Selenium Automation Blogs" by Feedspot

We are excited to spread the word that has been awarded as Top Selenium Blogs  by Feedspot. We at Techlistic always serves you with best tech tutorials, blogs, practice exercises, interview material and many more. Feedspot has analysed Techlistic's Selenium Tutorial Series and find it in-depth and easy to understand. Our Selenium Tutorial is consists of all Selenium Commands, Example Programs, Demo Website link, Practice Exercises and TestNG Integration. This award has boost our confidence and we are more committed to deliver tutorials on Advanced Technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain and latest Automation tools in the coming time. Stay Tuned! If you are enjoying our tutorials then please share it with your friends, colleagues etc. I would like to specially thank all our viewers for supporting us! You can follow us on different social platforms to get updates on latest tutorials and posts.

Boost Your Career: Top 10 Job Search and Skill-Enhancing Websites for Success

In today's digital age, there is a plethora of online resources available to help professionals enhance their skills, boost their careers, and find new job opportunities. However, with so many options, it can be challenging to know where to begin. To help you navigate the vast world of career resources, we've compiled a list of the top ten skill-enhancing, career-boosting, and job search websites. Let's start with top skill-enhancing websites which can help professionals continuously improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Luckily, there are numerous online resources available that offer skill-enhancing courses and resources. Top Skill-Enhancing Websites for Professionals 1. LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that provides access to over 16,000 courses on a range of topics, including business, technology, and creative skills. Users can choose from courses taught by industry experts and professionals, and ea

Learn Selenium Wait Commands: Implicit, Explicit and Fluent Waits

1. Introduction to Selenium Wait Commands Selenium Wait Commands are an essential aspect of automated testing with Selenium WebDriver. They allow us to synchronize our test scripts with the application under test, ensuring that the desired elements are present and in the expected state before performing actions on them. Waiting for elements or conditions to be met is crucial for reliable and stable test execution. Table of Contents: Introduction to Selenium Wait Commands 1.1 Why are Wait Commands Important? 1.2 Types of Wait Commands in Selenium Implicit Wait 2.1 How Implicit Wait Works 2.2 Setting Implicit Wait in Selenium Explicit Wait 3.1 What is Explicit Wait? 3.2 Conditions for Explicit Wait 3.3 Using Expected Conditions in Explicit Wait 3.4 Examples of Explicit Wait Fluent Wait 4.1 What is Fluent Wait? 4.2 Customizing Fluent Wait Conditions 4.3 Examples of Fluent Wait Thread.sleep() vs. Selenium Wait Commands 5.1 Differences between Thread.sleep() and Selenium Wait Comma