
What is Java Class and Object?

In this Java Class and Object tutorial, we will learn about the fundamentals of Java Programming. Java Class and Object are the base of Java. And we have tried to explain it in a simpler way. For your better understanding, we have also provided example Java programs for concepts of Java Classes and Object and Java Constructors. Classes and Objects are the fundamental building blocks of OOPS (Object Oriented Programming). A Java object is a physical and logical entity whereas a Java class is a logical entity. Table of Content 1. What is a Java Class? Syntax of java Class Explanation of example code Types Of Java Classes 2. What is a Java Object? How to create Java Object? Example Code and it's explanation What is the use of Java Objects? 3. Write your first Java Program - "Hello World" 4. What is Java Constructor? Non-Parameterized Constructor (Default) Parameterized Constructor 1. What is a Java Class? Before creating an object in Java, you need to define a class. A class