
Showing posts with the label Software Testing

Complete Guide to Software Testing Levels: From Unit to End-to-End Testing

Testing is an essential phase in software development, and it is essential to ensure that the software application or product functions as expected, meet the requirements and satisfies the user's needs. Testing is conducted at different levels of software development to detect defects, errors, and inconsistencies in the software. These levels of testing are commonly referred to as testing levels, and each level of testing has its purpose, scope, and objective. In this article, we will discuss the different levels of testing and their specific characteristics, along with detailed examples. Table of Contents Unit Testing Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Integration Testing System Testing Regression Testing Acceptance Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing End-to-End Testing 1. Unit Testing Unit testing is a software testing technique in which individual units or components of the software application are tested in isolation to ensure that each component functions correctly and meets the spec

Exploring Software Testing Methods: Black Box, White Box, Gray Box, Exploratory and Ad-Hoc Testing

Software testing methods are techniques or procedures that testers use to evaluate the quality and performance of software applications. There are several types of testing methods available in software testing, each with its own purpose and approach. In this section, we will discuss the different types of software testing methods. 1. Black Box Testing Black box testing is a software testing technique that is used to examine the functionality of an application without having any knowledge of its internal workings. In other words, the tester is only concerned with the input and output of the software system and is not concerned with how the software processes the data or executes its functions. This type of testing is based on the principle of treating the software system as a black box, with no understanding of its internal structure or logic. 1.1. Example of Black Box Testing: Suppose we have a login form on a website. The black box tester will only focus on testing the login functiona