
Learn Selenium Wait Commands: Implicit, Explicit and Fluent Waits

1. Introduction to Selenium Wait Commands Selenium Wait Commands are an essential aspect of automated testing with Selenium WebDriver. They allow us to synchronize our test scripts with the application under test, ensuring that the desired elements are present and in the expected state before performing actions on them. Waiting for elements or conditions to be met is crucial for reliable and stable test execution. Table of Contents: Introduction to Selenium Wait Commands 1.1 Why are Wait Commands Important? 1.2 Types of Wait Commands in Selenium Implicit Wait 2.1 How Implicit Wait Works 2.2 Setting Implicit Wait in Selenium Explicit Wait 3.1 What is Explicit Wait? 3.2 Conditions for Explicit Wait 3.3 Using Expected Conditions in Explicit Wait 3.4 Examples of Explicit Wait Fluent Wait 4.1 What is Fluent Wait? 4.2 Customizing Fluent Wait Conditions 4.3 Examples of Fluent Wait Thread.sleep() vs. Selenium Wait Commands 5.1 Differences between Thread.sleep() and Selenium Wait Comma